
在一篇由9月號哈佛商業評論(Harvard Business Review)所刊登的構想觀察,
玩偶是大人的規範?“中,北卡羅萊納大學的研究者Sreedhari Desai,
及其研究伙伴Francesca Gino便認為,若有能引起童年回憶的物品在附近,

(以下內容引述自Adults Behave Better When Teddy Bears Are in the Room)
…..In all our lab studies, we found that when subjects were near toys or engaged
in activities like watching cartoons, the number of cheaters dropped almost 20%.
In several studies we had participants play games in which they filled in missing letters
to complete words. Those who were primed with childhood cues were far more likely
to form “moral” words like “pure” and “virtue” than those who weren’t.
In addition, people behaved better in the presence of childhood cues even if
they weren’t feeling particularly happy
…..We ran a regression analysis that controlled for firm-specific variables—size, age,
risk, business performance. And we controlled for population density,
because research has shown that people are somewhat meaner in very dense places.
Even after controlling for all this, the more day-care centers and kindergartens there were,
the more likely the company was to engage in charitable behavior
…..Our hypothesis focuses on the idea of purity.
Child-related cues might unconsciously activate notions of goodness and drive us to
get to a pure state and not want to pollute it
…..There’s mounting evidence. It’s been seen in primates.
Male Barbary macaques use their infants in this way, carrying them around to
encourage cooperative behaviors within the group, such as mutual grooming.
Neuroscience has shown that oxytocin is released when people are exposed to kids,
and oxytocin is associated with pro-social behavior
…..One suggestion is to put day-care facilities on corporate campuses.
Not only would it make parents more relaxed about their kids,
but it might also have a positive influence on everyone’s behavior.
It could lead to a more ethical climate. And yes, perhaps pictures of children in cubicles would
encourage people to act better. Or maybe elevators should pipe in child-related music
rather than that dull easy-listening music. What if we used colored ink sometimes
or colorful fonts in messages? Would we act more ethically? I don’t know, but it’s possible

然後用滿滿的LO塞滿公共場所書報牆、以期激發當地道德風氣才是! XD

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